Law Enforcement Success Story and Testimonial Publicity Consent Form

Customer Information:

Please Select Option for Agency Name and Logo Usage:

Customer Quote or Description of Success Story to be Promoted:

Customer agrees to allow LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Inc. and its Affiliates (“LexisNexis Risk Solutions”) to reference Customer in promotional and marketing materials. All text/material can be used in whole or in part without further permission in the media and formats noted below, including but not limited to social media, the press, analyst reports and marketing materials. Additional Material could be developed upon agreement by LexisNexis Risk Solutions and customer.

Customer Certifies that it has executed this Approval by and through its authorized representative and agrees, that by submitting this approval to LexisNexis Risk Solutions, it provides its Publicity Consent for the purposes stated herein.

Please contact Lauren Norman, Public Safety Marketing Lead, at with specific questions or concerns about sharing your success story testimonial.